Richard Anuszkiewicz
/Richard Anuszkiewicz (pronounced Aah-nuss-KAY-vitch) was one of the founders of the Op Art movement during the late 1960s and 70s. Op Art is characterized by the use of formal elements like line and contrasting colors to create illusory compositions. These abstract artworks often move or vibrate optically. Anuszkiewicz is interested in the effects of complimentary colors as they are applied in patterns within the same geometric shape. His experiments with color were originally inspired by the color theorist Josef Albers, with whom Anuszkiewicz studied during the early 1950s.
Richard Anuszkiewicz, Blue Tinted Star, 1991, Lithograph/serigraph, Polk Museum of Art Permanent Collection 1993.10, Graphicstudio Subscription Purchase through Kent Harrison Memorial Acquisition Fund.