Compare and Contrast: Line
/Understanding the Elements of Art using works from the Polk Museum of Art Collection
Jon Corbino, The Race, 1946. Oil on canvas, Gift of the Corbino Estate, made possible by Harmon-Meek Gallery
John W. Butler, The Front Porch, 1999. Oil on canvas, Mayfaire-by-the-Lake Museum Purchase
a mark that spans a distance between two points; marks or outlines that help to define shapes in works of art
Big Idea
How are lines used in works of art?
Discussion 1
Irregular (Organic) vs. Regular (Geometric) lines: how does the use of each affect the mood of a work of art?
Discussion 2
How do the lines used in these works affect how realistic the works appear?
Fast Facts
Jon Corbino (1905-1964) practiced a style of art now called Romantic Realism